Our Governors

Governance at Stamford Park Trust

If you would like to know more about governance at Stamford Park Trust, please contact Carolyn Haigh, Head of Governance, at c.j.haigh@spt.ac.uk.

We have various roles across the trust to join our Local Governing Body (LGB) and Board of Trustees. 

As a governor, you will have a significant impact on students, staff, and the community by upholding the highest standards and embodying our vision and values.

This is a voluntary, unpaid position for individuals who are energetic and skilled, and who want to contribute to shaping the future of our schools. No specialist knowledge of education is required.

To find out more click here.

The Trust Board and Committees


The Stamford Park Trust was founded by three founding members who accepted a general duty to exercise their powers, to further the Trust’s charitable purpose.  Since the incorporation of the Trust, further members have joined us and the trust now has five members as follows:

  • Keith Trelfa - founding member

  • Janet Nevin - founding member

  • Christine Lyness - founding member

  • Peter Claus - member

  • Patricia Catterall - member

More information on the role of members in academy trusts can be found  in the Department for Education  governance role descriptors at:



The members usually meet once per year at the Annual General Meeting to receive the Annual Report and Financial Statements, and appoint the auditors for the coming year.

Members terms of office

Name Date of appointment
Keith Trelfa 20/12/2018
Janet Nevin 20/12/2018
Christine Lyness 20/12/2018
Peter Claus 01/02/2019
Patricia Catterall 05/09/2024

Previous Members

Name Date of Appointment Date ceased to be a member
Barrie Cheshire 01/02/2019 27/04/2020
Jonathan Reynolds 16/08/2020 13/08/2024


The Trust Board has three core functions, as set out in the DfE Governance Handbook:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

In carrying out these functions, the board may choose to delegate responsibility for monitoring to other committees, local governing bodies or the executive leadership of the trust, however they retain overall responsibility for ensuring these functions are carried out.


The following people serve as Trustees on the Trust Board:

  • Kevin Aspin

  • Jane Barker

  • Colin Challenger

  • Stephen Foote (Chair)

  • Marcus Gill

  • Kala Mandviwala

  • Anton McGrath (CEO/ex-Officio)

  • Steven Pleasant

  • Macolm Sugden (Vice Chair)


Attendance 2022/23

  Possible Actual %
Kevin Aspin 6 3 50
Jane Barker 6 4 67
Colin Challenger 6 5 83
Steve Foote 6 6 100
Marcus Gill 4 3 75
Kala Mandviwala 6 6 100
Anton McGrath 6 6 100
Steven Pleasant 6 2 33
David Smith 2 2 100
Malcolm Sugden 6 5 83
Sarah Wilson 3 2 67


Trustees terms of office

Name Date of Appointment Term of Office Date they stepped down (if applicable) Appointed by Date first appointed
Stephen Foote 20/12/2022 4 years   Members 20/12/2018
Malcolm Sugden 20/12/2022 4 years   Members 20/12/2018
Steven Pleasant 20/12/2022 4 years   Members 20/12/2018
Kala Mandviwala 01/02/2023 4 years   Trust Board 01/02/2019
David Smith  01/02/2019 4 years 31/01/2023 Trust Board  
Colin Challenger 01/02/2023 4 years   Trust Board 01/02/2019
Anton McGrath 01/02/2019 ex-officio (CEO)   Trust Board  
Sarah Wilson 04/11/2020 4 years 08/03/2023 Trust Board  
Jane Barker 13/01/2021 4 years   Trust Board  
Kevin Aspin 25/11/2021 4 years   Trust Board  
Marcus Gill 07/12/2022 4 years   Trust Board  



The Finance and Resources Committee supports the board in meeting its core functions, by monitoring and overseeing the use of financial and physical resources within the Trust.

The Committee considers the annual budget, monitors management accounts and scrutinises the end of year accounts and half-yearly financial forecasts. The Committee then makes recommendations to the board based on its findings.

Committee members

The following members serve on the Finance Committee:

  • Jane Barker (Chair)

  • Steve Foote

  • Anton McGrath (ex-Officio)

  • Kevin Aspin

  • Marcus Gill

Attendance 2022/23

  Possible Actual %
Kevin Aspin 5 2 40
Jane Barker 5 5 100
Colin Challenger 3 2 67
Steve Foote 5 4 80
Marcus Gill 3 3 100
Anton McGrath 5 5 100
Sarah Wilson 3 2 100



The Audit and Risk Committee ensures that the internal control systems and audit activities of the Trust are objectively and actively monitored. It reinforces the effectiveness of the internal audit function, providing an independent medium of communication with the Trust's auditors, who it invites as required.

The Committee considers detailed reports together with recommendations for the improvement of the Trust’s systems of internal controls and management’s responses and implementation plans. It also concerns itself with the monitoring the Trust’s arrangements for risk management, fraud and irregularity, and value for money.

Committee members

The following members serve on the Audit Committee:

  • Malcolm Sugden (Chair)

  • Colin Challenger

  • Kala Mandviwala

  • Steven Pleasant

Attendance 2022/23

  Possible Actual %
Malcolm Sugden 3 3 100
Kala Mandviwala 3 3 100
Steven Pleasant 3 1 33
David Smith 1 1 100
Colin Challenger 2 1 50


The Trust has a written scheme of delegation which outlines the delegation of responsibilities within the Trust to trustees, committees, local governing bodies and executive leaders. Committees of the Trust also have written remits, referred to as Terms of Reference which outline the responsibilities of the committee and the terms for operating. 

Stamford Park Trust Scheme of Delegation - July 2023Finance & Resources Committee Terms of Reference - July 2023Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference - July 2023  Ashton Sixth Form College Local Governing Body Terms of Reference - July 2023Longdendale High School Local Governing Body Terms of Reference - July 2023Rayner Stephens High School Local Governing Body Terms of Reference - July 2023Chairs' Committee Terms of Reference - July 2023

Local Governing Bodies


The general role of the local governing bodies is to provide the local context, challenge and support to the Executive Principal and Headteachers, ensuring the very best local provision is given in each academy.  Local governing bodies regularly feedback to the Trust board to ensure that local governors have a role in influencing and communicating with the Trustees on the strategic vision of the Trust going forward. 

Each local governing body will be composed, wherever possible, of up to 13 members:

  • 7 independent Academy Governors

  • 2 Parent Governors

  • 2 Staff Governors

  • 1 Executive Principal*/Principal**

  • The Headteacher*/Deputy Principal** of the relevant academy will be in attendance at each meeting. 

*11-16 Academies

**16-18 Academies


Committee members

The following members serve on the ASFC Local Governing Body:

  • Lawrence Ado-Kofie (Parent Governor)

  • Rick Allanson (Staff Governor)

  • Colin Challenger (Trustee - Chair)

  • John Clark (Academy Governor)

  • Mitesh Mistry (Academy Governor)

  • Jane O'Connell (Academy Governor)

  • Doug Pepper (Academy Governor)

  • Kamlesh Rajput (Academy Governor)

  • Tamoor Shafique (Academy Governor)

  • Janet Valentine (Staff Governor)

  • Philip Wilson-Marks (Academy Governor)

  • Student Council President (16-18 Student Governor)


Attendance 2023/24

  Possible Actual %
Lawrence Ado-Kofie 5 3 60
Rick Allanson 5 4 80
Colin Challenger 5 3 60
John Clark 5 4 80
Chris Lyness 5 5 100
Mitesh Mistry 5 4 80
Jane O'Connell 5 4 80
Doug Pepper 5 2 40
Kamlesh Rajput 5 3 60
Janet Valentine 5 3 60


Governors terms of office

Name Date of Appointment Term of Office Date they stepped down (if applicable) Appointed by Date first appointed
Colin Challenger 01/02/2023 4 years   Trust Board 01/02/2019
Louise Hall 01/02/2019 4 years 31/01/2023 Trust Board  
Kamlesh Rajput 01/02/2023 4 years   Trust Board 01/02/2019
Richard Allanson 01/02/2023 4 years   ASFC Teaching Staff 01/02/2019
Chris Lyness 01/02/2023 4 years  31/07/2024 Trust Board 01/02/2019
Amanda Read 23/10/2019 4 years 05/07/2023 Trust Board  
Jane O'Connell 31/03/2021 4 years   Trust Board  
Doug Pepper 01/10/2021 4 years   Elected (Parents)  
Lawrence Ado-Kofie 01/10/2021 4 years   Elected (Parents)  
Janet Valentine 11/01/2021 4 years   ASFC Support Staff  
John Clark 25/05/2022 4 years   Trust Board  
Mitesh Mistry 05/07/2023 4 years   Trust Board  
Philip Wilson-Marks 03/07/2024 4 years   Trust Board  
Tamoor Shafique 03/07/2024 4 years   Trust Board  


Committee members

The following members serve on the Longdendale High School Local Governing Body:

  • Alison Bradshaw (Academy Governor)

  • Chris Green-Buckley (Parent Governor - Chair)

  • Joanne Ivens (Academy Governor)

  • Helen Lord (Academy Governor)

  • Hannah Margrave (Academy Governor)

  • Marcus Gill (Trustee - Link for Longdendale LGB)


Attendance 2022/23

  Possible Actual %
Sesan Adediji 4 1 25
Alison Bradshaw 5 3 60
Marcus Gill 2 2 100
Chris Green-Buckley 4 4 100
Joanne Ivens 4 3 75
Helen Lord 4 3 75
Hannah Margrave 5 4 80
Janet McHugh 3 2 67
Ashvin Mistry 2 2 100
Jane Waterhouse 3 3 100


Governors terms of office

Name Date of Appointment Term of Office Date they stepped down (if applicable) Appointed by Date first appointed
Alison Bradshaw 31/08/2022 4 years   Trust Board 13/01/2021
Marcus Gill 13/01/2021 4 years Appointed as Trustee on 07/12/2022 Trust Board 13/01/2021
Ashvin Mistry 27/01/2021   17/01/2023 Trust Board  
Hannah Margrave 25/05/2022 4 years   Trust Board  
Janet McHugh 25/05/2022 4 years 17/03/2023 Trust Board  
Chris Green-Buckley 18/11/2022 4 years   Elected (parents)  
Sesan Samson Adediji 18/11/2022 4 years 05/10/2023 Elected (parents)  
Helen Lord 07/12/2022 4 years   Trust Board  
Joanne Ivens 07/12/2022 4 years   Trust Board  
Jane Waterhouse 07/12/2022 4 years 06/07/2023 Trust Board  


Committee members

The following members serve on the Rayner Stephens High School Local Governing Body:

  • Sean Drummond (Staff Governor)

  • Aaron Garner (Parent Governor)

  • Louise King (Parent Governor)

  • Lee Mason (Academy Governor)

  • Justin McDonnell (Academy Governor - Chair)

  • Rebecca Whitehouse (Academy Governor)

  • John Schofield (Academy Governor)

  • Mark Storie (Staff Governor)

Attendance 2022/23

  Possible Actual %
Sean Drummond 2 2 100
Aaron Garner 2 2 100
Liam Kelly 2 1 50
Louise King 5 3 60
Lee Mason 5 4 80
Justin McDonnell 5 4 80
Ruksana Rasul 5 3 60
John Schofield 4 4 100
Mark Storie 5 4 80


Governors terms of office

Name Date of Appointment Term of Office Date they stepped down (if applicable) Appointed by
Ruksana Rasul 13/01/2021 4 years   Trust Board
Lee Mason 13/01/2021 4 years  

Trust Board

Mark Storie 13/01/2021 4 years   Trust Board
Justin McDonnell 13/01/2021 4 years   Trust Board
Liam Kelly 27/01/2021 4 years 17/11/2022 Trust Board
Louise King 01/10/2021 4 years   Trust Board
John Schofield 17/12/2022 4 years   Trust Board
Sean Drummond 21/04/2023 4 years   Elected Staff
Aaron Garner 26/04/2023 4 years   Parent