PGCE (PCET) / Certificate in Education (PCET) - Post 16
*Applications are now open for September 2025.
Please complete an online application via The University of Staffordshire. Click here for the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PCET) and here for the Certificate in Education (PCET).
This qualification is awarded by The University of Staffordshire.
This course is available part-time over 2 years, with a weekly college lesson on Thursday evenings, along with teaching practice.
The course is offered as a part-time programme and intended for those interested in working in the Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) sector. Please be aware that the PGCE PCET is currently being updated in line with DfE changes to this teaching qualification. The new modules and module content may vary from the current information. The framework and end qualification will stay the same.
The aim of the course is to equip teachers with the skills and attributes necessary for them to deliver high quality training to their learners.
The course is designed primarily for those who teach post-16 learners and is designed around a framework of Professional Standards for teaching and supporting learning in the PCET sector.
This practical work-based course provides opportunities to develop professional understanding and knowledge through academic study, practice and critical reflection on your experiences. Trainees will need to be self-motivated and self-organised and to engage in online lecturers, work-based tasks and tutorials. Trainees will also need to work with peers and develop their practice through teaching observations. Assessment is therefore a blend of critically evaluated professional practice informed by formal academic tasks. This focus on creativity and innovation in the workplace supported by research and reflection is aimed at developing trainees’ careers as well as equipping them with the skills and attributes to develop high quality teaching and learning to their learners.
On successful completion of study, we will issue the following award: PGCE Post-Compulsory Education and Training.
Course content
The course consists of one Level 4 module at 40 credits, one Level 6 module at 20 credits and two Level 7 modules, one at 20 credits and one at 40 credits. Each module is delivered using a variety of learning approaches.
Successful completion of the modules will lead to the award of a Postgraduate Certificate Education (PCET) worth 120 credits.
Sixty of these credits could be used towards the full MA Education course at The University of Staffordshire.
The normal timeframe for completion will be one academic year. All modules will be assessed using The University of Staffordshire's criteria for work undertaken at Levels 4, 6 and 7. All learning outcomes must be met.
The tables provide an indicative list of the modules that make up the course for the current academic year. Each module is worth a specified number of credits. Our teaching is informed by research, and modules change periodically to reflect developments in the discipline. We aim to ensure that all modules run as scheduled. If for any reason a module cannot be run we will advise you as soon as possible and will provide guidance on selecting an appropriate alternative module where available.
Entry requirements
If English isn’t your first language, you’ll need IELTS 6.5 or above (with a minimum of 6.0 in each category), or equivalent.
Normally a 2:1 classification degree. A minimum of a Level 3 qualification or equivalent in the specialist subject relevant to trainees’ teaching area, e.g. GCE, A Level, NVQ3, BTEC Higher, L3 Certificate in an appropriate Key Skills, HND. Equivalence will be utilised in specialisms where no Level 3 qualification exists.
A minimum of GCSE in English and Maths, at Grade C, or Level 2 equivalent already held or gained as part of initial needs analysis and induction.
You will be required to successfully complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) application and be certified fit to teach.
You will be invited for interview prior to your acceptance and enrolment onto the course. Teaching practice should take place as defined within the LSIS (2013) guidance documentation. You will be provided with a teaching placement post enrolment.
After completing the course, you’ll be equipped to teach in the following sectors:
- FE colleges
- Sixth forms
- Private training organisation
- Voluntary organisations
- Work-based training
- Prisons
- Young offender institutes
If you’re unsure about teaching in these sectors, most of our FE partner colleges will provide advice and guidance.
After completing the PGCE you can also enter the MA Education at Postgraduate Diploma level and complete a full Masters in two years of part-time study.
Teaching and assessment
Students learn in different ways. To help everyone get the most out of their studies, we teach through a combination of lectures, workshops, and practical sessions. In addition, you will have timetabled meetings with your personal tutor at least twice a year. You will be taught in first-class learning spaces throughout your course. Many of our courses are accredited or recognised by professional, statutory or regulatory bodies.
Your course will provide you with opportunities to test your understanding of your subject informally before you complete the formal assessments that count towards your final mark. Each module normally includes practice or ‘formative’ assessments, for which you receive feedback from your tutor. Practice assessments are developmental and any grades you receive for them do not count towards your module mark. There is a formal or ‘summative’ assessment at the end of each module. This includes a range of coursework assessments, such as essays, reports, portfolios, performance, presentations, final year, independent project and written examinations. The grades from formal assessments count towards your module mark.
You will normally receive feedback on coursework assessments within 20 working days following the date of submission. examination feedback may take a variety of formats. However, as a minimum, generic feedback will be made available to all students who take written examinations.
UK and Channel Island students: This tuition fee is agreed subject to UK government policy and parliamentary regulation. If the UK government passes appropriate legislation, the fee for subsequent years of study may increase in each academic year. But this increase will not exceed the rate of inflation as measured by RPIX**. Any change in fees will apply to both new and continuing students. The University will notify students of any change as early as possible. Further information about fee changes would be posted on the University’s website once this becomes available.
**RPIX is a measure of inflation equivalent to all the items in the Retail Price Index (RPI) excluding mortgage interest payments.