Be Ambitious Week

During the first year, students will be encouraged to take part in a compulsory week dedicated to our 'Be Ambitious' strategy. With access to meaningful employer encounters such as employer-led projects, work placements and workshops, you will develop key employability skills and have the opportunity to engage with industry experts.

This is an incredible opportunity to become involved in the world of work or academia and start on your path to a successful future.

98% of students feel that they enhanced or gained employability skills by taking part in Be Ambitious week.

94% of students feel by taking part it has positively impacted their future career.

Be Ambitious Week: Monday 16th July - 20th july 2025

Be Ambitious Week is designed to support A1 students with gaining meaningful work experience by self-placing or participating in an employer-led project at college. We have some fantastic opportunities to get involved in with local, national and international employers!

What can I get involved in during Be Ambitious Week 2024?

Choose the best option for you: either self-place or apply for an employer-led project. Both opportunities are great ways to develop a variety of transferable employability skills, build networks and start thinking about potential next steps.

What is a self-placement?

Students can choose a placement sourced by our Work Placements Team or contact an employer themselves. Any questions, please email

  • College-sourced placements will go live on Monday 20th May 2024. Please check your college emails for more info.
  • Self-placement forms have been sent to you by the Work Placement Team. Please note: you must have agreed this placement with the employer and sent the relevant documents back to the Work Placement Team by the deadline stated.
  • 98% of students who participated in 2023 felt their placement enhanced their employability skills.
What is the Be Ambitious employer-led project?

Experience what it's like to work on real workplace projects...

We have a variety of meaningful work-based projects on offer from a number of different sectors, organisations and employers. Throughout the week, you will be supported by an Industry Mentor and link teacher; this is a brilliant way for you to work collaboratively, research something outside of what you're studying in the classroom, all whilst delving into the world of work.

  • Launch Event: an introduction to the programme and receive a guide to support you with the week
  • Be Ambitious Week: Meet your Industry Mentor to discuss your project brief in more detail, work in groups or independently on a project, have check-in points with your mentor and finally present your project back to receive feedback at the end of the week.
  • 94% of students who participated in 2023 felt the employer-led project enhanced their employability skills.

From contributions during the week, to the final presentation of projects... Industry Mentors have the option to nominate students who have stood out during the program with prizes and awards up for grabs during our annual Awards Event!

How do I apply to an employer-led project?

Students apply via a Microsoft Form. Choose three projects and write a statement as to why you think you should be chosen for your first-choice project brief. Where possible, we will match students with their first-choice project, however this is not always possible. For more information, check your college emails from or scan the QR codes on posters located around college!

Applications go live on Monday 31st March 2025. Deadline: 5th May 2025.

Please check your student emails for the sign up link.

What do students get out of the experience?

Students get the opportunity to work with an organisation on an exciting project in a meaningful way. You will develop essential sector and employability skills as well as benefit from experience of the world of work. It gives students valuable insight into various sectors, helping you to think about your future career and develop your social capital.

“I enjoyed working with new people, pushing myself outside my comfort zone in terms of presenting the presentation at the end of the week and gaining more information about getting into the Police as a career.” (2023 Student participating in an employer-led project)

“I got to be more creative. II take subjects that aren’t very artistic, like Law and History” (2023 Student participating in an employer-led project)

What if I am unsure about what I want to do?

We understand making decisions about your next steps can sometimes be daunting. If you are unsure what pathway you want take after college, think about what your strengths are, your interests and what subjects you enjoy. For more information, email and we can discuss potential options!

Be Ambitious Week: Monday 16th June - Friday 20th 2025

What is Be Ambitious?

Be Ambitious is our flagship employability programme giving opportunity for employers and industry professionals to work with students from Ashton Sixth Form College on our either a real life work-based project or providin

 “Excellent programme and well done to everyone in ASF who made this a success.” 2023 Industry Mentor

 “I think the Be Ambitious Week was an excellent opportunity for learners to showcase their talents but also for [us] to gain a new insight into our services.” 2023 Industry Mentor

What do employers get out of the experience?

Employers supporting an employer-led project will have the opportunity to design a brief that the business could benefit from, for example, the project could consist of some local market research or an idea for a new product design. You could also use this as an opportunity to raise the profile of your business with young people or attract a more diverse workforce. Ultimately, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a difference to young people’s lives and influence their future career path.

“The communication between the college and myself was great, clear or what was needed from myself and no expectation for it to eat into a large part of my day. It was also really interesting to hear and see new perspectives on the task and topic I personally set.” 2023 Industry Mentor

Become a sponsor

Are you interested in raising your profile with young people to attract a more diverse workforce? Do you want to support future talent? Email for more details.