The XL Academy for High Achievers

welcome to The XL Academy

Our XL Academy is well established and over 12 years old and has evolved to produce excellent outcomes for our XL students. The XL Academy allows able and highly achieving students to express themselves, share their thoughts and discuss their ambitions openly.

The Academy seeks to enhance and stimulate most able students with an exclusive and unparalleled range of support and enrichment activities. It is an aspirational culture, forged by research professionals, that offers specialist advice and guidance and bespoke support so that our XL students can meet and surpass the demanding entry requirements of Oxbridge, Russell Group Universities and premium degree apprenticeships.

The XL Academy is about:

  • Giving students the edge
  • Giving students confidence
  • Putting students in touch with opportunities
  • Breaking down barriers
  • Making elite universities accessible
  • Helping students to be the best they possibly can be – and for that to be recognised

What does The XL Academy offer?

  • Advice, guidance and support for prospective XL Academy students from when you apply through to enrolling at the College
  • A specialist XL Academy tutor group
  • A bespoke XL Academy tutor programme
  • A dedicated ‘pathway’ on starting college to support you in your ambitions and next steps after college
  • An exclusive range of enrichment/preparatory activities
  • Stretch, challenge and support
  • A stimulating, fulfilling and challenging experience which is underpinned by an emphasis on the future
  • Every single one of our XL Academy students is equipped to compete successfully in any field; law, medicine, science, humanities, finance, politics, education and many more.


Head of The XL Academy - Dr Damian Windle

Welcome to The XL Academy. I’m excited to offer you the opportunity to be part of one of the most inventive and cutting edge most able programmes in the country. This is a place where innovation is encouraged, diversity is the norm and excellence is consistently achieved. Through the distinct pathways available, The XL Academy will help you ‘find your tribe’ - whether you are an aspiring doctor, lawyer or creative individual, the XL Academy will be with you every step of the way, through bespoke seminars, inspiring lectures and unparalleled support. In addition, The XL Academy is founded upon academic research and tried and tested approaches with a team that has enormous experience in helping most able students be their best self. The XL Academy pages on this website offer a glimpse of what is available but why not come along to one of our many open events and taster sessions? - I am confident that it could be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Lisa Richards, Centre Principal

Welcome to Ashton Sixth Form College’s XL Academy. I am delighted that you are considering joining us and benefitting from the wide range of opportunities offered within the Academy, from guest speakers to academic workshops, exciting trips and visits to specialist next steps guidance. The college has run a bespoke and highly successful XL programme for the past 12 years now, but as our numbers of XL students have increased and with a continual need to ensure that our students are ahead of the game in an increasingly competitive world, we have strengthened and broadened our provision even more. Our intention is to ensure that our most able students finish their time at ASFC not only with the excellent grades they are capable of, but with the skills and confidence to progress onto (and thrive in) the most prestigious universities or competitive degree apprenticeship programmes. I hope that our XL Academy web pages whets your appetite to find our more and look forward to seeing you in college where you can get a real flavour of how it would feel to be an XL Academy student.

A1 Pathways

The XL Academy directs students in their first year to elect a support pathway to tailor an individual package of guidance and opportunities, that offers them rewarding experiences to achieve their goals. These pathways are:

  • Medicine, Dentistry and Vet (MDV) - For students interested in studying and pursuing a career in these highly specialised areas
  • STEM - For students interested in studying any aspect of Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths
  • Arts - For students who have a passion for predominantly ‘essay-based’ subjects ranging from Geography to Sociology
  • Creatives - For students who wish to pursue a career or degree in subjects ranging from Art to Theatre Studies

Each pathway has their own half termly assembly, visiting speaker and event relevant to their pathway.

In addition, The XL Academy offers unrivalled opportunities for XL students to enhance their skills and experience such as the Nuffield Foundation placements, Sutton Trust Summer Schools and university Access visits.

A2 Pathways

In the second year XL students can elect to specialise in making a university application (XL Academic) or embark on seeking employment or an apprenticeship (XL Professionals).Throughout the year, students are given intensive help and support in making the most competitive applications and are also given access to some first class opportunities such as:

  • XL Academic - open day events, personal statement support, university admission support, mock interviews, student finance help, university preparation classes such as budgeting, banking and learning to live independently. 
  • XL Professionals – Employer led recruitment events, skills building, CV creation, preparation for interviews, mock assessment centre days.

Underpinning each of the pathways is an Oxbridge route which offers specific support and guidance on the explicit application process of making a competitive Oxbridge application from initial interest, to entrance examinations and interviews.

The Oxbridge program has sent over 50 students to Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the last 10 years. In particular, the program offers:

  • Trips and visits to Oxford and Cambridge to familiarise students with the unique academic community
  • Visiting speakers and alumni to discuss the authentic experience of Oxbridge
  • Specialist advice and guidance on creating a competitive application
  • A dedicated tutorial group with other Oxbridge applicants
  • Weekly one-to-ones throughout the application process
  • Mock interview workshops in preparation for Oxbridge interviews
  • An Oxbridge offer-holders support group

The Oxbridge Scholars program is a initiative with a specific focus of increased support for applicants to Oxford and Cambridge universities.

Building on our successful track record of  Oxbridge success (40 offers in the last six years alone), the program is tailored to offer high achieving students a chance to experience Oxbridge first hand and to gain an insight in to making a competitive application including: 

  • Alumni visits
  • Weekly wider reading
  • One-to-one and small group tutorials
  • Visits to Oxford and Cambridge
  • Mock interviews
  • Personal Statement Preparation
  • Visit to Oxbridge conferences
  • Oxbridge Entrance exam preparation

All XL Academy students get the opportunity to apply for the Oxbridge Scholars program at the start of the academic year which runs in conjunction with the other specific pathways. 

All Oxbridge Scholar staff have a rich educational background and collectively will support students and prepare them in every way for the rigorous application and interview process at Oxbridge. This will include a tailored reading programme and subsequent tutorials, mirroring the system at Oxbridge, and also a deep immersion in the social and cultural aspects of Oxbridge.

Tutorial Programme

The XL Academy tutorial programme focusses on developing a supportive, challenging and forward-thinking community amongst our more able learners. Each week XL students have a bespoke tutorial program where they focus on the following:

  • Focus on independent learning skills
  • Encouraging critical thinking – the why? The what about?
  • Helping you to find an academic voice and using it!
  • Weekly pre-reading tasks to broaden experience of current intellectual debates, and express your own ideas in the group
  • Promotion of XL trips, visits, courses and engagement with pre-university programmes
  • Practical revision and study techniques
  • Holistic ‘whole student’ development – developing your awareness of wider world issues, personal/social/ emotional development, staying safe and healthy, British Values and being an adult citizen
  • Trips, visits and speakers including attending the UCAS convention, Oxbridge trips and conferences, Realising Aspirations, Oxnet(and more), Unifrog, Apprenticeship week, alumni speakers, visiting university speakers
  • Support with university applications and personal statements (XL Academic) or researching employment/competitive apprenticeship opportunities (XL Professionals)
  • Specific Oxbridge / Medic / Dentist / Vet application support and mock interview preparation
What our students say

XL Academy students experience a stimulating, fulfilling and challenging environment which is underpinned by an emphasis on the future. Every single one of our XL students is equipped to compete successfully in any field; law, medicine, science, humanities, finance, politics, education and many more.

Progression to higher education is outstanding within The XL Academy, with consistently over 90% of students progressing to university and over 70% progressing to Russell Group universities. The average grade achieved by an XL Academy student in their final A-level examinations is an A.

“My Nuffield placement was at the Henry Moseley X-ray Imaging Facility in the University of Manchester. I spent a lot of time researching how x-ray CT works and became familiar with the software they use to analyse 3D images. My work was part of the University’s Micrographia Revisited project with Manchester Museum.” - Jack, A*A*A*A*

High School Outreach

The XL Academy is always keen to support more able learners and so we offer support sessions to school students in the local area. In particular we offer:

  • Year 10 conferences – whole days where student come and experience different subjects and enjoy a keynote speaker in subjects such as Theology, STEM and English
  • Year 11 masterclasses – the Head of the XL Academy will come and deliver specific study skill session on topics such as revision skills, independent learning, meta-cognition and going from grade A to A*
  • Years 7 – 9 taster sessions – high achieving students get to experience what it is like to be an XL student and gain valuable skills in the process.
  • One off bespoke sessions – these can range from an introduction to The XL Academy to the university application process.

If you represent a school in the area then please get in touch to see how we can support you.

When you apply to Ashton Sixth Form College we will take your predicted grades as a good indicator of your eligibility for The XL Academy.

Our entry requirements are:

  • 7 GCSEs at grade 7
  • Plus a grade 7 in English Language or Maths (with no lower than a 5 in the other)

We will identify if you are eligible for The XL Academy from your application to the college and you will then be invited to attend an XL Academy Guidance meeting with one of our XL Academy team.

On offering you a conditional place at the college you will be invited to attend specialist information sessions introducing you to The XL Academy. Once you have received your GCSE grades in August you will be invited to attend enrolment where the XL Academy team will offer specialist advice and guidance around subject choices and study programmes.


New Beginnings

Author: Dr Damian Windle

I am writing this at the very start of September and conscious of a change in the rhythms of life. We have just got my daughter some new school shoes, I have bought a new notepad for work and the weather has started to change – all key signs that it is time to start a new term in September!

Here at The XL Academy, we have been enrolling new students, preparing resources and getting ready for the new term. The beauty of the cycle of education is that you get to reset each September and have a new beginning - but what does that mean?

In beginning something, we often get the opportunity to assess how things have gone and to consider how we want to approach the new task in hand. Many years ago I was introduced by a mentor of mine to the work of Stephen R. Covey and his influential book, ‘The 7 habits of highly effective people’. Selling over 25 million copies, the book has become prominent in how we can be more effective in areas such as independence and self-improvement. The key takeaways can be summed up as follows:

Habit 1: Be Proactive – Focus on what you can control and influence

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind - Define clear measures of success and a plan to achieve them.

Habit 3: Put First Things First – Prioritise and put your most important goals first.

Habit 4: Think Win/Win – Collaborate with people instead of competing

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood - Use empathetic listening to genuinely understand a person

Habit 6: Synergise - two heads are better than one for creative co-operation

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw - Increase motivation, energy, and work/life balance by making time for renewing activities.

Some are easier than others, but over the next coming weeks in XL Academy tutorials, we will be looking at how our high achievers can begin to develop their own independent learning skills through our award winning course and this week we are looking at the power of collaboration. Because fundamental to a new beginning is that there will be an end – a goal, a purpose, call it what you want – but in starting something, you are going to finish, and finish well. Therefore, new beginnings are about reviewing learning habits, previous ways of doing things, and thinking about what you could change, what you could adapt and what is going to help you be more productive and finish well.

There is a very famous quote (mis)attributed to Albert Einstein that goes something like, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ Our XL students have achieved so well in their GCSEs, the trick now is to work out what worked well in their approach to those studies and what they need to adapt to move themselves forward with their A-level studies. Thankfully they have a bit of time and a lot of support to work this out and often it is only when something fails, that real learning and progress takes place.

So new beginnings at The XL Academy present new opportunities and a change to make a fresh approach to the learning habits that will lead to success. This new beginning will lead to a brilliant finish, just be prepared it might be a bumpy ride.

Our Alumni

At The XL Academy, you will have every opportunity to develop and reach your full potential. Our success is born out of a drive to maintain the highest standards of teaching and experience for our students. The result is outstanding achievement and excellent progression for our students on to the next step of their lives.

Vincent Allott

A*A*A*A*A in Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics
Medicine at Oxford University

Shania Chauhan

A*A*AA in Chemistry, Maths, Physics and the EPQ
The University of Leeds to study Chemical Engineering

Ben Speakman

A*A*A in Geography, Business and Economics
The University of Cambridge to study Geography

Jemma Begum

AAA in Biology, Chemistry and Maths
Medicine at the University of Manchester

Olivia Papps

A*AAB in English Literature, History, Business and the EPQ
History and Sociology at Sheffield University

Gabriel Connaghan

A*A*A*A* in Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths and Physics
Physics at the University of Oxford

Harin Vyas

A*A*A*A in Computer Science, History, Maths and the EPQ
Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the London School of Economics

Ciara Blackhurst

A*A*AA in Biology, Geography, Chemistry and the EPQ
Medicine at Liverpool University

Contact us

The XL Academy is a dynamic learning environment and we would love you to be a part of it. If you have any questions or queries then please contact us:


Instagram - @asfc_thexlacademy