End of Year Art Show 2024 - In the End

04 Jul 24
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Our Art and Design department recently hosted their End of Year Art Show - In the End.

In The End is a collection of our Art students' final work as they come to the end of their studies at Ashton Sixth Form College.

The evening began with a welcome talk from our Centre Principal, Lisa Richards followed by The Worshipful the Civil Mayor of Tameside, Councillor Betty Affleck and her Consort Declan Fitzpatrick officially opening up the Art Show to guests!

The title of the exhibition comes from a song by the band Linkin Park which, on the surface suggests that what you do doesn’t really matter, but actually, it doe and all we can hope and ask for, is that you always try your very best.

Malcolm Stanbra, Head of Art & Design, commented:

"Well, our Art & Design students have certainly tried their very best this year and created a visual spectacle both wonderful and constructive and we are very proud and amazed, once again, by their achievements and the dazzling display and dizzying array of creative talent we have had the pleasure to nurture and nourish over the past two years.

Well done to all our students and to the unwavering support and encouragement they receive both here at Ashton Sixth Form College and at home."