Philosophy, Ethics & Religion

Course Description

A two-year A Level course, Philosophy, Ethics & Religion will take you on a journey where you will critically look at an array of responses to the ultimate questions.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking about the meaning and purpose of life? Whether or not a Supreme Being exists? What happens when you die? Or even whether life is predestined or free? If so, this is the course for you.

In this subject, teaching and learning occurs in a variety of ways which include reading, writing, discussions and debates.

You will study 3 units over the course of 2 years, all of which you will be examined on at the end of your two years of study. Alongside testing skills of knowledge and understanding, the examinations will also test your ability to analyse and critically evaluate ideas - these are skills that you will develop over the course of your study.

In the Philosophy of Religion unit, you will consider arguments for and against the existence of a monotheistic God including the Problem of Evil. In addition to this, you will study the meaning of religious language and whether or not humans are able to fully comprehend this type of language considering it is beyond human experience.

In the Religion and Ethics unit, will take an in-depth look at the concept of morality. You will study a series of ethical theories such as Utilitarianism and Proportionalism Theory, and apply them to a variety of ethical issues including the use of nuclear weapons as a deterrent and capital punishment. To conclude this unit, you will study different ideas on the freewill/determinism debate.

In the Study of Religion unit, you will study Islam - the fastest growing religion in the world. In the study of Islam, you will learn about the life of the prophet Muhammad, the principles of the faith he brought to the people of Arabia and also gain an insight into Islamic Law. Furthermore, you will study Islam from a social perspective - how it works with other religions, Islam in Britain and also the Western perspective of Islam.

Critical thinking, evaluative and analytical skills, organisation skills, revision and retrieval, communication - written & verbal, time management. 

Students who have studied Philosophy, Ethics & Religion have progresses onto undergraduate courses in Theology, Law, Anthropology, PPE.

The subject lends itself well to professions such as teaching, social work and the legal profession.

3 written exams

Annual trip to London where students visit Westminster Abbey, the Natural History Museum and the Houses of Parliament. In addition to this, students will have the opportunity to go on the London eye, watch a theatre performance in the evening and visit Covent Garden.

Annual abroad trip. Previous destinations have included Athens, Rome and Barcelona.

Visits to local places of worship such as the local church, the mosque and the temple.