Further Mathematics

Course Description

We deliver most of the A level Mathematics content within year 1, with a small part of the further Pure, then within the second year we complete the rest of the Further Pure and the Further applied units.

Lessons are taught using a combination of presentations, examples booklets, question cards and problem solving group activities and independent work. All lessons give students the opportunity to extend their learning using differentiated activities.

We have regular mini and formal assessments with feedback for students to enhance exam technique and gain confidence.

A selection of homework is given on a weekly basis including exam question cards, self-teach lessons, research activities and targeted revision packs.

Pure Core: Complex numbers, Matrices, Vectors, Hyperbolic Functions, Advanced Algebra, Advanced Calculus and Advanced Trigonometry.

Further Statistics: Various statistical distributions, including Poisson, Geometric and Negative Binomial, Hypothesis testing and the quality of these tests, Chis squared testing, and probability generating functions.

Further Decision: Linear Programming Problems, algorithms on graphs (Dijkstra’s, Floyds Prims and Kruskals), Route Inspection, travelling salesman, Ctitical path analysis and scheduling problems.

Problem solving, numerical, analytical, communication, collaboration, group/team work, independent learning, resilience, perseverance


Many university courses and careers require a higher level of mathematical skills, particularly Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Architecture. Other degrees such as Geography, Psychology and Biology use a lot statistics within them so studying A-level mathematics may be beneficial.

Examination: 4 x 1.5 hour exams at the end of the 2 years

UKMT (Senior Maths challenge)

Preparation for University entrance examinations and STEP

Guest Speakers from local universities

In college activities presented by the Advanced Maths Support Programme

Visits to local universities

Links between maths and careers

Further Maths alumni