How To Apply

As you approach your GCSEs and the prospect of leaving school, it can be both a scary and exciting time. However, with good research into your next steps and careful preparation, you will feel confident about this stage in your life. Along with your school careers advisers, we are here to help and support along every step of the way.

Our Admissions team are here to help you with any aspects of the admissions process. If you have any questions please do contact us at

Step 1 - Apply

Start by submitting an online application.

The application window is open from September to January each year and is done online through our website.

Step 2 – Attend a Guidance Meeting

When you complete your application, you will be invited to attend a Guidance meeting at the college. This is an opportunity to come to college and meet with our specialist team to discuss your post-16 options. You must attend a Guidance meeting before an offer of a place is made.

Step 3 – Conditional Offers made

Following a successful guidance meeting you will be offered a conditional place at the college for September assuming you achieve the necessary minimum entry requirements.

Step 4 - Enrol

Once you have received your GCSE Results you will be invited to enrol at the college and officially become an Ashton Sixth Form College student!

Step 1 - Apply

Start by submitting an online application.

The application window is open from September to January each year and is done online through our website.

Step 2 – Attend a Guidance Meeting

When you complete your application, you will be invited to attend a Guidance meeting at the college. This is an opportunity to come to college and meet with our specialist team to discuss your post-16 options. You must attend a Guidance meeting before an offer of a place is made.

Step 3 – Conditional Offers made

Following a successful guidance meeting you will be offered a conditional place at the college for September assuming you achieve the necessary minimum entry requirements.

Step 4 - Enrol

Once you have received your GCSE Results you will be invited to enrol at the college and officially become an Ashton Sixth Form College student!

Applications for admission in September 2025


Frequently Asked Questions - Your Application

The online application is available from September 2024 for students applying for admission in the following September. You can apply as soon as you know what would you would like to study. You must ensure that you apply by our published deadline otherwise you will be considered a late application and our application will go on a reserve list.

Please ensure you apply using an email address you check regularly. We will communicate important information such as interview appointments, key dates and deadlines to you via email. This needs to be an email you can access after you finish school as we will communicate important details with you throughout the summer regarding enrolment. Please ensure you are regularly checking your emails so that you do not miss any important information from us.

You can view our full entry requirements here
Please ensure that the choices you make on your application form are realistic and that you have checked the entry requirements before applying. 

Please don't worry if you are still a little unsure about your course choice. The courses you put on your application are just a starting point and we are aware you may want to make some changes over the coming months. Please complete the online form as carefully as you can. When we receive your application we will acknowledge it to the email address that you have provided. You will have opportunities to change your courses, if you wish, at interview or by speaking to the Admissions Team.

Don't worry. You will be able to update your predicted grades with us with any mock exam results or updated predicted grades at your college interview.

Once you have submitted your application we will then process this and will inform you within 4 weeks of receipt of your application when your Guidance Meeting will take place.

This happens and students do change their mind. Please do not submit another application. In order to request a course change, please contact and include the course change you want to make and the reasons for the course change.

Applications submitted after the closing date will go on a reserve list with no guarantee of further consideration. You must also email a statement explaining your reasons for making a late application to We will not be able to consider any late applications without a supporting statement. 

Applications for our higher and adult education courses are separate to our A Levels and vocational courses for school leavers. Applications are accepted at various times throughout the year, depending on the course. Please visit for more information

Frequently Asked Questions -  Guidance Meetings

Once we have received your application we will then invite you to attend guidance meeting in person at the college. Our Guidance meetings take place in January and February.

Our guidance meetings are informal discussions between you and a college adviser. The main aim of the meeting is to make sure we have identified the right course(s) for you, so expect to speak about your choices. If you are not sure what you would like to study, do not worry, we are here to help. We may also ask about your time at school, extra-curricular activities and plans for the future. 

Please email the college Admissions Team on as soon as possible to let us know if you can't make the time or date that you have been given for your guidance meeting so that we can reschedule this for you.

If you miss your Guidance meeting you must inform us as soon as possible so that we can rearrange another appointment for you. If we do not hear from you then we will assume you no longer want a place at the college and we will withdraw our application.

Yes of course. You are very welcome to bring your parent/guardian with you to your guidance meeting should you wish. There will be a dedicated area where they can wait for you.

Yes, courses and subjects can be changed during the meeting. You will need to discuss this with the college adviser leading the meeting so that we can update your application. If you wish to make further changes after the meeting, please contact the Admissions Team via email to discuss this. 

Yes, you will need to bring your most recent target or mock exam results to your interview (if you have these) and we will update your application. If you need to change your predicted grades after you have attended your interview then please email the Admissions team with this information.

You should bring your most recent target or mock exam results to your interview as well as anything else that is relevant to your application (ie. an Art portfolio if you are applying for an Art course).

It is up to you what you choose to wear to your interview but just be mindful that you will want to try to give the best impression of yourself to your interviewer.

Provided you have a successful guidance meeting you will then be offered a conditional place at the college. Your course or subject choices will be confirmed at enrolment once you have received your GCSE results.

You and your parents/carers will then be invited to a Welcome Event when we will tell you more about how you will be supported when you start college in September.