
Counselling is available to all students who attend Ashton Sixth Form College. There are two counsellors at the college who can offer a number of sessions to each student, as well as signpost to other services inside and outside of college.

What is counselling?

Counselling is a talking therapy which gives you time and a safe space to talk about your problems, in a non-judgemental environment, helping you gain a different perspective on things. Sometimes talking to someone you don’t know feels easier and a trained counsellor can help you find your own answers to problems, whilst respecting your opinions. The goal of therapy can be to help you feel better and cope more easily with the problems you face. 

What counselling is not

Counselling is not giving advice or providing solutions to your problems – your counsellor is not there to tell you what to do. Instead, the counsellor can help you find your own solutions or help you gain acceptance on things outside of your control.

Is counselling confidential?

Yes – the exception to this is if there is concern for the student’s safety, or someone else’s safety. In this instance, the Safeguarding Team will be informed to decide if any further action needs to be taken.

What should I expect from my first session?

The counsellor will welcome you into the counselling room and tell you about the service and ask you a few questions to help you begin to talk about what’s troubling you. There will also be a form to read and complete. At the end of the first session you can choose to rebook then, or take a day or two to think about it.

How many counselling session do I get?

If you decide to book in after your initial appointment, you can have a further 5 sessions (6 in total). Some students use all their sessions, whilst others only use some.

Where is the counselling service and how do I get an appointment?

There are two counsellors on campus who are both based in the Main Building. To book an appointment you can email or you can be referred via your Senior Tutor, Inclusive Learning, or any member of staff here at Ashton Sixth Form College. You will receive a text message when you have been added to the College Counselling waiting list. Timescales are dependent on your timetable and the counsellor’s availability, but they will try to see you as soon as possible. You will be notified if there is a significant delay.