Mental Wellbeing

Looking after your mental wellbeing is key. Emotional and mental health is important because of it's vital part of your life and impacts your thoughts, behaviours and emotions. 

Being at Sixth Form and College is an exciting period of your life, but it can be very stressful and scary at times. Keeping care of your mental wellbeing during this period can promote productivity and effectiveness in your studies and day to day life.

Below is a range of resources, including what we offer here at ASFC, that explore the importance of mental wellbeing, along with a range of tips on how to keep your mind healthy.

If you need to speak to somebody, there are a range of useful contacts HERE, or you can contact the college counsellor via

Extra resources can be found HERE.



Mindfulness is a technique you can learn which involves noticing what's happening  in the present moment. It aims to help you: 

  • become more self-aware
  • feel calmer and less stressed
  • cope with difficult or unhelpful thought
  • be kinder towards yourself and your mind
  • feel more able to choose how to respond to your thoughts and feelings

Information taken from

I am strong, able and I believe in myself

Our Inclusive Learning team here at college work extremely hard to support our students. They hold daily Mindfulness sessions for both students and staff. These sessions help students and staff to have a clear mind ready for the college day, relieve any stress or anxiety they may be feeling and boost their mood and morale. These sessions are held in GH 2.12 8:45-8:50AM every morning.


MIND: Why Mindfulness is good for your mental health.


Find out more about Mindfulness and the variety of techniques you can do:

Help with student stress

Being in education can be stressful, no matter what level you are at. Exams, deadlines and coursework are just a handful of factors that can cause anxiety or stress whilst studying. Below are a variety of resources to help you overcome any stress you may be feeling.


Stress-busting methods

Information taken from Prospects

  • Time Management: simple time management techniques can help you feel more focused and relaxed. Writing down a schedule, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and allocating down time for socialising and relaxing. Dividing your work into urgent and non-urgent can also be useful and writing a to-do list.
  • Getting enough sleep: Stress can often disrupt your sleep, so making sure you are relaxed before bed is crucial. Avoid screen time as much as possible before bed and take time to make yourself relaxed. 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is recommended. Also, if you study in the same room that you sleep in, try removing your study materials out of this room when it comes to bed time.
  • Exercise: Exercise releases endorphins that make us happy and reduces our stress. This doesn't have be a full work out routine, a walk or bike ride will be effective in improving your mental wellbeing and stress levels. We offer lot of sports enrichment here at college, the range of activities can be found here.
  • Change your mind set: Adopt a positive attitude, if you are feeling negative towards your studies this will impact your work and how stressed you are. Taking a break from social media may also help, comparing yourself and your productivity to others can increase stress.

Tips for effective time management whilst doing your A Levels:

More self-care tips for during exam season:

Exam tips from our Safeguarding team

Looking after yourself

Looking after your mental health is not something we should just do if we are struggling, or feeling low, anxious or stressed. It's actually something we should think about all the time and really invest in, just like with our physical health. 

Staying on top of our mental wellbeing is good for us now but also helps us deal manage difficult times in the future. Over time, it can also reduce our risk of physical health problems.

Information taken from NHS

5 Ways to look after your mental wellbeing:

Taking time to relax and have time to yourself can reduce stress levels. Taking a break and doing something you enjoy is a great way to manage your stress. have lots of tips to take care of your mental health.

Looking after your physical health also impacts your mental health and wellbeing. There are a range of resources on how to look after your physical health HERE.