Senior Tutors

As soon as you enrol at Ashton Sixth Form College, you will be assigned a Senior Tutor. They will be a constant figure of support throughout your studies.

You will meet with them on a weekly basis in Tutorials and Progress Hours. Tutorials are timetabled sessions where you will find out important information throughout your college experience. As well as educating you and supporting you across a range of areas, they will also provide guidance and support when deciding on your next steps after college (university, apprenticeships or employment). If you require extra support in your studies, you may be required to attend Progress Hour which will assist you in achieving above and beyond your expected target grades. They are invaluable figures of guidance, informing you about the latest opportunities that are available to you in college and further afield.

Our Senior Tutors are located in Tutor Base off the main corridor and while studying at Ashton you are more than welcome to contact them when and if you need to. They are able to provide you with constant support and the most up-to-date information. Senior Tutors are also key in referring you to other areas of support, if required, and are able to set up meetings and introductions with Careers, Counselling, Inclusive Learning and more.