Image of Christmas Jumper Day 2022
15 December 2022

Christmas Jumper Day 2022

Image of Physics trip to Switzerland!
13 December 2022

Physics trip to Switzerland!

Image of Speaker of the Month - Lee Hughes
13 December 2022

Speaker of the Month - Lee Hughes

Image of Spanish student wins translation competition!
6 December 2022

Spanish student wins translation competition!

Image of Principal's Recognition Lunch December 2022
6 December 2022

Principal's Recognition Lunch December 2022

Image of A2 student selected for Cross Country National Championships!
22 November 2022

A2 student selected for Cross Country National Championships!

Image of Lest We Forget Dance show!
17 November 2022

Lest We Forget Dance show!

Image of 3D Design students create metal poppies for Remembrance Day
11 November 2022

3D Design students create metal poppies for Remembrance Day

Image of Politics student speaks in House of Commons!
9 November 2022

Politics student speaks in House of Commons!

Image of Student delivers presentation on Tourettes
8 November 2022

Student delivers presentation on Tourettes

Image of Realising Aspirations launch 2022-23
4 November 2022

Realising Aspirations launch 2022-23

Image of 2 boards and a Passion theatre company visits drama students
2 November 2022

2 boards and a Passion theatre company visits drama students

Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador