Image of History students watch the Holocaust LIVE webcast
24 January 2020

History students watch the Holocaust LIVE webcast

Image of PE students try out BMXing
23 January 2020

PE students try out BMXing

Image of Level 2 Business students visit engineering consultants
22 January 2020

Level 2 Business students visit engineering consultants

Image of Art Colour Exhbition opens at The Market Gallery
15 January 2020

Art Colour Exhbition opens at The Market Gallery

Image of Tameside Council talk budget with Economics
14 January 2020

Tameside Council talk budget with Economics

Image of RA students explore careers with the University of Law
14 January 2020

RA students explore careers with the University of Law

Image of 84-year old Holocaust survivor shares his story
13 January 2020

84-year old Holocaust survivor shares his story

Image of Geography students tour Ashton Old Baths
9 January 2020

Geography students tour Ashton Old Baths

Image of Grant Thornton Alumni talk careers with Accounting students
8 January 2020

Grant Thornton Alumni talk careers with Accounting students

Image of Drama student's Fairytale panto at Residential Home
19 December 2019

Drama student's Fairytale panto at Residential Home

Image of Sport students hear from UCLAN
18 December 2019

Sport students hear from UCLAN

Image of IT students visit marketing agency Social Chain
18 December 2019

IT students visit marketing agency Social Chain

Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador