Amnesty International Visit

28 September 2012

Gordon Fyffe – volunteer for Amnesty International recently visited the college to talk to Law, History, Sociology and RS students. He dealt with issues such as human rights violations and involved students in discussions regarding issues such as capital punishment, refugees asylum and detention without trial.

“Gordon gave a thought provoking talk which thoroughly engaged our students in challenging debates regarding human rights violations, capital punishment, torture and the plight of prisoners of conscious throughout the world. The sessions were both educational and inspirational. We will be encouraging our Citizenship group to work on some Amnesty projects this year.” (Jennifer Rudd, Teacher of Law and Citizenship group co-ordinator)

“The talk was inspiring and eye-opening. There are many people across the world who’s rights are currently being violated. Gordon really highlighted this fact and inspired me to support the work of Amnesty International.” (Sam Hayward – philosophy student)

Pictured from Left to Right - Bethany Lowe, Danielle Murphy, Gordon Fyffe, Sam Hayward and Isabelle Dooley Carmichael

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