Andy Walker 'Live your Dream'

4 November 2014

Motivational speaker Andy Walker recently visited the college to speak to staff and students. Andy runs live your dream consultancy, working as a life coach and motivational speaker. At the age of 28 whilst in Goa, Andy suffered a life changing C4/C5 spinal cord injury whilst jumping into the sea.

Andy continues to lead a life filled with adventure and adrenaline filled activity such as climbing, skiing and sailing, whilst inspiring others through motivational speeches.
He showed an inspiring introductory video, followed by a talk about life before his accident, dealing with change and how he has adapted before showing the students his adaptive equipment to stay independent.

Andy gave students tips on setting goals, staying positive, overcoming obstacles and achieving ambitions. Andy has had to adapt to and deal with huge change in his life and the students could really feel the authenticity of his life advice.

As well as inspiring students to turn every negative into a positive Andy was able to challenge how students perceive disability by helping them to understand more about the ranges of disabilities. Through looking at people who live with different disabilities (many of which are not immediately apparent) and demonstrating how differences in society create a positive dynamic. 

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