Coronavirus response update - 15.05.20

15 May 2020

Coronavirus response update 15th May 2020

I hope this email finds you and your family safe and well. We’ve reached the end of the eight week of lockdown. Could I start by praising your sons and daughters for their engagement in their learning? The vast majority of students have been working hard in keeping on top of their work which will pay dividends in the future. Well done to them!

Today would have been the last full day of teaching for our A2 students before they left college prior to the summer examination series. Could I thank you for your support throughout their time at the college. Your sons and daughters have been a wonderful cohort and have been a pleasure to teach. These are truly unusual circumstances, but on behalf of all who are connected to the college, we would like to wish your sons and daughters all the best for their futures. Good luck in whatever the next stage of your educational journey brings and remember, they are talented, dedicated and interesting people. They will represent the college, and you, well in the rest of their lives.

We have been asked on several occasions about an end of year ‘do’. We would love to create something to celebrate the successes of this year’s cohort. Clearly, this is dependent on social distancing rules and advice from the Government and Public Health England. We will keep you posted.

That’s all for today.

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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