Coronavirus response update - 17.06.20

17 June 2020

Coronavirus response update 17th June 2020

I hope all is well with you and yours.

Today, we held a full staff meeting to lay out our approach to reopening the college. We are now fully prepared for our opening. College will reopen for a small number of invited students on the 24th June 2020Over the next two days, invitations will be sent out to a small number of students inviting them into the college for some face to face contact with either their teachers, senior tutor, or a member of the IL team. Please could you respond by the deadline so we can make the appropriate arrangements? It is vital for NHS Track and Trace that we are aware of who is in the building at any one time; please discourage your sons and daughters from coming into college if they do not have an appointment. Our online live lessons will continue until the 3rd July and this will remain our main teaching and learning platform. 

Just a reminder, that from the 15th June, it is compulsory to wear a face covering on public transport. Travellers will be refused carriage if they do not comply with this rule and may receive a fine. 

And finally, we have produced a set of dos and don’ts for students to adhere to when they are back in college. This will be circulated on Friday and again on Monday and Tuesday next week. Please could you encourage your sons and daughters to read and fully understand this document before returning to college?

That’s all for today

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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