Coronavirus response update - 15.06.20

15 June 2020

Coronavirus response update 15th June 2020

I hope this email finds you well and safe.

A few updates:

From today, all subject areas will be delivering live lessons using Microsoft Teams for 50% of the qualification. The feedback from last week’s trial was excellent from teachers, students and you as parents. It’s great to see the positive benefits of this type of teaching and learning taking place.

And a reminder that the college will reopen on the 24th June for invited students only. Population Health Tameside have indicated that there has been progress in the last week and so are recommending that schools and colleges are safe to reopen on their planned dates. Student invitations will be sent out this week, so please could you encourage your sons and daughters to check their email regularly.  It is also important that they respond by the deadline in the email so we can keep an eye on overall numbers. We will be sending out information this week about our return; this will include a list of dos and don’ts for students to follow which will help us to keep them safe.

And finally, from today, anyone using public transport must wear a face covering as a condition of carriage. Failure to do so could lead to a fine. Guidance from GMPTE can be found at

That’s all for today

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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