Image of Students brush up on their pronunciation.
20 April 2012

Students brush up on their pronunciation.

Image of Student Dines With Royalty
4 April 2012

Student Dines With Royalty

Image of Modern Languages Students Visit Contact Theatre
29 March 2012

Modern Languages Students Visit Contact Theatre

Image of Ashton Sixth Form College Students Smash University Competition
26 March 2012

Ashton Sixth Form College Students Smash University Competition

Image of Principals Recognition Lunch
12 March 2012

Principals Recognition Lunch

Image of Physics Department Trip – Geneva
12 March 2012

Physics Department Trip – Geneva

Image of Dance Show – Collections 7
20 February 2012

Dance Show – Collections 7

Image of Staff and Students arrive in Uganda
10 February 2012

Staff and Students arrive in Uganda

Image of Students Arrive in New York
8 February 2012

Students Arrive in New York

Image of Ashton Sixth Form College – Visiting Uganda
27 January 2012

Ashton Sixth Form College – Visiting Uganda

Image of Oxbridge offers
26 January 2012

Oxbridge offers

Image of Ashton Sixth Form College – Armed Response
25 January 2012

Ashton Sixth Form College – Armed Response

Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador